Monday, March 14, 2005


yasmin ahmad`s own comment about sepet in her blog

"baru balik dari bangkok, kawan-kawan. gue capek banget. i've missed you all.

why did i end the film like that and so suddenly? so you can construct your own ending in your own mind and heart, thereby making it your own.

sepet doesn't just belong to me. it belongs to ALL of us. to every malaysian who has ever wished that people of different races and different status and different religions could love and care for each other.

i also wanted people who have seen sepet to continue thinking about it, even after the lights have gone up, even after you have gone home and lying in bed, even when you wake up the next morning, and when you talk with someone who has also seen it.

because if love is not worth talking and thinking about, what is?"

yasmin 02.27.05 - 9:16 am

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